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Victim Information & Assistance

Being the victim of a crime is traumatic, but you can find help. Community resources are available to help you to understand your rights, the procedures for exercising them, and who was resources are available to help.

Victim Assistance

Agencies and Services

Organizations such as victim assistance programs, sexual assault centers, child abuse treatment programs, 支持团体和家庭暴力庇护所遍布全州,帮助犯罪受害者重新掌控自己的生活. Some of the services are listed below. They provide emergency and long-term support to victims and their families. Services include:
  • Emergency safe homes or shelters
  • 24-hour crisis telephone lines
  • Follow-up crisis and long-term counseling
  • Advocating for your needs and rights
  • Accompanying you to medical examinations
  • Transportation
  • Child care

For certain sexual offenses, 为保存证据而进行的医疗检查的费用可由检察机关支付. 向你所在县的受害者/证人项目倡导者咨询相关信息.
See Information and Resource Numbers for a list of the agencies that can provide victim assistance services.

Victim Compensation

暴力犯罪的受害者或因犯罪行为而死亡的人的家属, may 
向该县的犯罪受害者赔偿计划申请,以收回某些费用. You should file your claim in the county where the crime occurred. Some expenses you might be able to recover include:

  • Medical and dental expenses
  • Mental health counseling
  • Lost wages
  • Funeral costs

The Program does not compensate for loss of property or property damage. 索取有关罪行受害人赔偿的申请或资料, contact your county Victim Compensation Coordinator (see Information and Resource Numbers).

Domestic Violence

如果你是家庭暴力的受害者,你可以申请保护令. Orders of Protection prohibit spouses, ex-spouses, persons with a child in common or pregnant by the other person, persons living together, now or in the past, and close relatives from harming each other and/or from contacting you.  当出现一系列骚扰攻击时,可以寻求禁止骚扰的禁令.

A petition for a protective order (available at any court) can be filed, with or without a lawyer, in and Justice, City, Superior or Tribal Court.  
If you are a party in an ongoing case involving legal separation, divorce, paternity/maternity, child custody, child/spousal support, or if the juvenile defendant is under the age of 12, you should apply to any Superior Court location.
When the court is not open, 您可以通过执法人员申请紧急保护令. 紧急保护令有效期至下一个法院工作日结束.
保护令可以禁止施虐者与你和/或其他人有任何接触, committing further offenses, 去你的住所(即使施虐者一直住在这个地址), going to other locations, and/or possessing or purchasing a firearm. If you seek a protective order, 您可以要求对您的地址和/或其他地点保密.
There is no filing fee to request a protective order. 涉及约会关系的保护令或防止骚扰禁令不收取服务费. 执法人员不得就其他禁令要求预付服务费. 你可以要求星际官方赌钱免除这些其他禁令的服务费. 您可以付费让私人流程服务器为您提供保护令服务.
If there is a firearm present in a domestic violence matter, 执法人员认为你或其他人可能会受到严重伤害甚至死亡, the firearm may be taken and held by the law enforcement agency. To ensure that you, as the victim, are notified of the release of a firearm that has been seized, 您必须向执法机构提供地址或电话号码的任何更改.

Victim Rights

As a victim of crime in Arizona, you have a Constitutional right to be treated with fairness, respect and dignity and to be free from intimidation, harassment or abuse throughout the criminal or juvenile justice process. All state, county, 亚利桑那州的市政司法机构和法院被要求履行某些义务,以确保你得到你的权利. 

Who is a Victim For Purposes of Exercising Rights?

州法律规定,受害者是被犯罪或青少年犯罪所侵害的人. This includes any felony, or any misdemeanor offense, or a sexual offense. If a person is killed or incapacitated, the person’s spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, legal guardian, or other lawful representative is the victim. 法律实体和社区协会也可能是重罪犯罪的受害者, though rights for these entities are limited. 如果该人因犯罪而被拘留或被指控,则不适用权利.

Requesting/Waiving Rights

有些权利是自动赋予受害者的,有些权利是需要请求的. 执法人员将向您提供一份表格,要求您要求或放弃(拒绝)您的权利.  您将获得一份已填妥的请求/豁免表格的副本,以备您的记录.  以下是您可以请求或放弃的“应要求”权利的列表(这些权利在被捕后适用):

  • 被告知嫌疑人已被释放(关于如何行使这一权利的说明,请参见嫌疑人何时被逮捕).
  • To receive a copy of the terms and conditions of release.
  • To receive notification of scheduled court proceedings.
  • To talk with a prosecutor prior to a plea, dismissal, or trial.
  • To make a Victim Impact Statement.
  • To receive a copy of the pre-sentence or pre-disposition report.
  • To receive notice of a defendant’s conviction (or adjudication), acquittal, or the dismissal of the charges.
  • To receive notice of a defendant’s conviction (or adjudication), acquittal, or the dismissal of the charges.
  • To receive notice of sentencing or disposition results.
  • To have property taken ad evidence returned after the case is resolved.

Legal Entity “Upon Request” Rights

  • To receive notice of restitution and sentencing/disposition hearings, and notice of the sentencing or disposition results.

Neighborhood Association “Upon Request” Rights

  • To receive notification of scheduled court proceedings, and to make a Victim Impact Statement at sentencing/adjudication.


However, if at first you waive your rights and then request them at a later time, 你可能会放弃一些只适用于司法程序某些阶段的权利.

在案件通过该系统的过程中,还有其他重要的福利和保护适用于犯罪受害者.  To request a copy of the full text of Arizona’s victims’ rights laws, 您可以联系总检察长受害者服务办公室,电话:(602)542-4911(凤凰城)或888-377-6108免费.  你也可以了解更多关于亚利桑那州的受害者权利法律和可用的服务 Arizona Attorney General web page. 

Your Right to Restitution

If someone is found guilty of the crime(s) committed against you, 法院可能会命令该人重新支付你受害的某些经济费用. This court-ordered payment is known as restitution.  Victims of crime have a Constitutional right to receive prompt restitution. If charges are filed in your case, 重要的是,你联系检察官的受害者服务计划,以获得更多的信息和援助与恢复过程(见 Information and Resource Numbers). 

When a Suspect Is Arrested

Box 3 of the request/waiver form provides information to assist you in exercising your rights immediately following the arrest of a suspect; however, you must act quickly.

If the suspect is an adult and has been arrested, 你可以在初次出庭前与法院联系,行使某些权利. 你也可以通过联系羁押机构来行使你被告知嫌疑人获释的权利.

If the suspect is a juvenile and has been detained, 您可以通过联系青少年感化部门获取拘留听证信息并行使某些权利. 你也可以通过联系青少年缓刑部门来行使某些权利. 你也可以通过联系看守所来行使你被告知少年释放的权利.

If an adult or juvenile suspect is cited and released, or a juvenile suspect is referred to the Juvenile Court but not detained, 你可以通过在嫌疑人必须出庭的日期和时间之前与法院联系来行使某些权利.

如果嫌疑人没有被立即逮捕,并且你在30天内没有收到逮捕通知, you can call the law enforcement agency to obtain case status information. 你的雇主可能会被法律要求允许你无薪休假去出庭. Contact the prosecuting agency for more information.

Suspect is an Adult and has been Arrested: Initial Appearance (Court Hearing)


  1. Determine whether to release the accused;
  2. 如果被告被释放,确定释放的条款和条件;
  3. Set the next court date(s);
  4. Obtain a plea from the accused (for some misdemeanor offenses)

When Held: Within 24 hours of arrest
Location: Court and Custodial Agency
Contact: See Information and Resource Numbers 

Your Rights: To be present and heard at the initial appearance, and upon request, to be informed of the suspect’s release.

Suspect is a Juvenile and has been Detained: Detention Hearing


  1. Determine whether to release the juvenile;
  2. 如果少年被释放,确定释放的条款和条件;
  3. Obtain a plea from the juvenile (misdemeanor offenses)

When Held:Within 24 hours of detention
Location: Detention Screening Section, County Juvenile Probation
Contact: See Information and Resource Numbers

Your Rights: To be present and heard at the detention hearing, and, upon request, to be informed of the juvenile’s release.

The Information and Resource Numbers list provides contact information for victim services, community agencies, law enforcement agencies and courts in Southern Arizona.

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